Savings Calculator
Enter your business details below to estimate your potential savings with Unify LIV.
The more information you provide, the more accurate and customized your savings calculation will be.
How does LIV help save time and cut operational costs?
LIV simplifies property management by automating routine tasks and centralizing essential tools within a single platform. This saves time and reduces operational expenses, allowing you to focus on delivering the best experience to tenants and staff.
How does LIV promote sustainability in property management?
LIV’s fully digital system minimizes paper use, reduces CO2 emissions, and lowers your environmental impact, helping you save money while supporting a greener future.
Are the estimated savings guaranteed?
Our savings estimates are based on extensive market research, analyzing industry averages and LIV’s potential impact on typical property costs. These figures offer insight into potential savings, though actual results may vary by property. For a more customized estimate, reach out to our team – we’re here to help you maximize your property’s potential!